Norm Merz

Sales Representative


CELL 905-541-4917


Want to buy a home but wondering if it’s worth hiring a real estate agent to help you? Buying a home is a big deal and requires a lot of research to comprehend the complex real estate market. It may seem like the norm to go through the process of buying a home through a real estate agent. But many first time home buyers or even experienced ones, don’t understand why they need a professional real estate agent to help them.

There are many reasons why. Let us take you through the risks of purchasing a home without the help of a real estate agent so you are more aware during your search:

Lose out on a bargain

When you don’t have a professional helping you with the buying process, the home seller may not take you seriously. Negotiation can get you an amazing bargain on a home, however, it can be difficult as a buyer needs to be taken seriously. An experienced professional can do the negotiation for you in a professional way and make you appear like a serious buyer. A real estate agent knows how to get the asking price reduced to fit your budget; however you may not be proficient or comfortable in doing so.

Unaware of market knowledge 

The average person doesn’t understand real estate language or how the market works. This is essential when searching for a home so you make the right decision. Although it’s possible to try and learn about real estate online, can you really afford to make a huge life choice based on internet information? 

A real estate agent has the proper insights into the market changes, legal issues, various neighbourhoods, and home listings to help you make an informed choice.

Not asking all the questions

Having an expert go through the legal paperwork and answer questions on your behalf can be a lifesaver. An agent knows all the questions you need answers to, from enquiring about seller disclosures to closing costs and maintenance fees. An expert will have the answers ready to questions you may have not even thought of. This will relieve you of the stress of trying to handle every single aspect of home buying yourself, and you enjoy complete peace of mind.

Improper house inspection

Real estate professionals are required to vet a potential property fully for any risks to your health, water damage, and other dangers. They are trained to look for issues that an outsider might miss. Having an expert clear a property for move-in is more reliable for doing it yourself. You never know what you may miss during the house inspection.

Norm Merx is a top real estate agent who can help you find your dream home in a short time! With over 20 years of experience, Norm has the right tools and knowledge to find your property within your budget in no time. Simply fill out your contact information and your search criteria based on price, property type and the neighbourhoods you prefer to get started. If you have any more questions, feel free to call or send an email!

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